On Monday, December 12, 2022, MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Agefiph, and ADEME, in partnership with Pôle Eco-conception, COMERYL, Veolia, Takagreen, and Groupama Rhone-Alpes Auvergne, awarded eight companies from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region for their commitment to societal and environmental issues.

What is CSR?

CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility, is a bit like the superhero of companies. It’s their way of saying, “We don’t just care about making a profit, but also about doing good!”

Imagine a company that cares about the environment, makes efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, uses renewable energy, and protects wildlife and flora. Add to that a company that provides good working conditions for its employees, respects their rights, and promotes diversity and inclusion. Then imagine that it supports social causes, donates to charities, and engages in community actions. And finally, don’t forget a company that practices transparent and ethical governance, avoiding scandals and adhering to ethical standards.

All of this is CSR in action! Companies that embrace CSR aim to have a positive impact on society and the environment while doing business. And guess what? Consumers love it! They are increasingly choosing products and services from responsible companies.

Responsible Digital at the heart of communication

Acting and communicating in favor of the environment is at the core of Sopht’s activity and beliefs. Decarbonizing IT being our core business, we also have a duty to evangelize Responsible Digital and the associated practices.

This is where environmental communication comes in. We are convinced that today, raising awareness among IT and CSR decision-makers about digital technology is a major challenge in reducing the carbon footprint of the digital world, and it is essential to share the steps to achieve it.

Throughout the year, our communication efforts have allowed us to raise awareness among our audience, including through:

Sharing our commitments and best practices has impressed the jury of the CSR Trophies, and we are very honored to have received the trophy for environmental communication.

The winners are…

We were not the only ones to receive an award on this day, so big congratulations to the other participants!

At Sopht, we created a GreenOps solution that is the perfect way to help the environment, update your digital infrastructure and improve your finances all at once. Because going green isn’t just about being environmentally conscious; it’s about saving money, too. We offer multi-cloud monitoring to rationalize your infrastructure and related costs by measuring and comparing your different Cloud Providers environmental efficiency. Our IT asset management services allow you to consolidate, organize and pilot all data related to your IT inventory (laptops, screens, smartphones, routers…) to better amortize your carbon and financial footprint. This helps us understand how your users are interacting with their devices so that you can better manage your IT assets and plan for decarbonization.

Contact us for a demo of our new end-to-end platform.

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On Monday, December 12, 2022, MEDEF Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Agefiph, and ADEME, in partnership with Pôle Eco-conception, COMERYL, Veolia, Takagreen, and Groupama Rhone-Alpes Auvergne, awarded eight companies from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region for their commitment to societal and environmental issues.

What is CSR?

CSR, or Corporate Social Responsibility, is a bit like the superhero of companies. It’s their way of saying, “We don’t just care about making a profit, but also about doing good!”

Imagine a company that cares about the environment, makes efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, uses renewable energy, and protects wildlife and flora. Add to that a company that provides good working conditions for its employees, respects their rights, and promotes diversity and inclusion. Then imagine that it supports social causes, donates to charities, and engages in community actions. And finally, don’t forget a company that practices transparent and ethical governance, avoiding scandals and adhering to ethical standards.

All of this is CSR in action! Companies that embrace CSR aim to have a positive impact on society and the environment while doing business. And guess what? Consumers love it! They are increasingly choosing products and services from responsible companies.

Responsible Digital at the heart of communication

Acting and communicating in favor of the environment is at the core of Sopht’s activity and beliefs. Decarbonizing IT being our core business, we also have a duty to evangelize Responsible Digital and the associated practices.

This is where environmental communication comes in. We are convinced that today, raising awareness among IT and CSR decision-makers about digital technology is a major challenge in reducing the carbon footprint of the digital world, and it is essential to share the steps to achieve it.

Throughout the year, our communication efforts have allowed us to raise awareness among our audience, including through:

Sharing our commitments and best practices has impressed the jury of the CSR Trophies, and we are very honored to have received the trophy for environmental communication.

The winners are…

We were not the only ones to receive an award on this day, so big congratulations to the other participants!

At Sopht, we created a GreenOps solution that is the perfect way to help the environment, update your digital infrastructure and improve your finances all at once. Because going green isn’t just about being environmentally conscious; it’s about saving money, too. We offer multi-cloud monitoring to rationalize your infrastructure and related costs by measuring and comparing your different Cloud Providers environmental efficiency. Our IT asset management services allow you to consolidate, organize and pilot all data related to your IT inventory (laptops, screens, smartphones, routers…) to better amortize your carbon and financial footprint. This helps us understand how your users are interacting with their devices so that you can better manage your IT assets and plan for decarbonization.

Contact us for a demo of our new end-to-end platform.

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