After a lengthy process spanning several months, Sopht is proud to announce that it has earned the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label, joining the list of over 1000 solutions working towards a more sustainable world.

A Label Combining Environmental Concerns and Economic Viability

“In today’s world, the paradigm is to produce more rather than consume more efficiently,” is one of the quotes from Bertrand Piccard, the driving force behind the Solar Impulse project and the associated label. Today, there are effective solutions dedicated to the development and transformation of our societies while striving to strike a delicate balance between ecological concerns and economic development. As a mission-driven company, this is the challenge that Sopht seeks to address in the field of digital sobriety.

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label serves as a credible guarantee for economic and political stakeholders. Its aim is to endorse products and solutions that are both responsible and profitable, in order to accelerate their adoption and thus achieve environmental goals more rapidly.

The Label Positions Sopht as a Sustainable Solution for the Planet

Earning the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label involves a thorough analysis that spans several months and evaluates three key areas:

1. Feasibility: A mature solution ready for industrialization.
2. Environmental Impact: A positive effect on the environment.
3. Economic Viability: Financially advantageous for all stakeholders.

Sopht has met all the criteria after evaluation by three independent experts (each with at least 5 years of experience in the relevant field) and a final validation by the Solar Impulse teams.

A Globally Recognized Label Encouraging the Eco-Digital Transition of Companies

According to one expert from the “World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, “With current market trends, Sopht presents itself as an intelligent solution to a complex problem (the environmental impact of IT) while taking into account socio-economic results. The versatility of this tool, its environmental benefits, and its costs compared to other available options make it a strong candidate to become one of the leading market players in the next 5 years.

According to another Sopht expert, “It has the potential to reduce an organization’s IT environmental footprint by up to 20%.

Words from the Founders: We are undoubtedly very proud to have earned the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label, and we thank the Foundation and its team for their trust. This label’s award primarily signifies the recognition of an increasingly urgent need to develop solutions whose main mission is to guide organizations in working towards a path of sobriety.

At Sopht, we created a GreenOps solution that is the perfect way to help the environment, update your digital infrastructure and improve your finances all at once. Because going green isn’t just about being environmentally conscious; it’s about saving money, too. We offer multi-cloud monitoring to rationalize your infrastructure and related costs by measuring and comparing your different Cloud Providers environmental efficiency. Our IT asset management services allow you to consolidate, organize and pilot all data related to your IT inventory (laptops, screens, smartphones, routers…) to better amortize your carbon and financial footprint. This helps us understand how your users are interacting with their devices so that you can better manage your IT assets and plan for decarbonization.

Contact us for a demo of our new end-to-end platform.

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After a lengthy process spanning several months, Sopht is proud to announce that it has earned the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label, joining the list of over 1000 solutions working towards a more sustainable world.

A Label Combining Environmental Concerns and Economic Viability

“In today’s world, the paradigm is to produce more rather than consume more efficiently,” is one of the quotes from Bertrand Piccard, the driving force behind the Solar Impulse project and the associated label. Today, there are effective solutions dedicated to the development and transformation of our societies while striving to strike a delicate balance between ecological concerns and economic development. As a mission-driven company, this is the challenge that Sopht seeks to address in the field of digital sobriety.

The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label serves as a credible guarantee for economic and political stakeholders. Its aim is to endorse products and solutions that are both responsible and profitable, in order to accelerate their adoption and thus achieve environmental goals more rapidly.

The Label Positions Sopht as a Sustainable Solution for the Planet

Earning the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label involves a thorough analysis that spans several months and evaluates three key areas:

1. Feasibility: A mature solution ready for industrialization.
2. Environmental Impact: A positive effect on the environment.
3. Economic Viability: Financially advantageous for all stakeholders.

Sopht has met all the criteria after evaluation by three independent experts (each with at least 5 years of experience in the relevant field) and a final validation by the Solar Impulse teams.

A Globally Recognized Label Encouraging the Eco-Digital Transition of Companies

According to one expert from the “World Alliance for Efficient Solutions, “With current market trends, Sopht presents itself as an intelligent solution to a complex problem (the environmental impact of IT) while taking into account socio-economic results. The versatility of this tool, its environmental benefits, and its costs compared to other available options make it a strong candidate to become one of the leading market players in the next 5 years.

According to another Sopht expert, “It has the potential to reduce an organization’s IT environmental footprint by up to 20%.

Words from the Founders: We are undoubtedly very proud to have earned the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution” label, and we thank the Foundation and its team for their trust. This label’s award primarily signifies the recognition of an increasingly urgent need to develop solutions whose main mission is to guide organizations in working towards a path of sobriety.

At Sopht, we created a GreenOps solution that is the perfect way to help the environment, update your digital infrastructure and improve your finances all at once. Because going green isn’t just about being environmentally conscious; it’s about saving money, too. We offer multi-cloud monitoring to rationalize your infrastructure and related costs by measuring and comparing your different Cloud Providers environmental efficiency. Our IT asset management services allow you to consolidate, organize and pilot all data related to your IT inventory (laptops, screens, smartphones, routers…) to better amortize your carbon and financial footprint. This helps us understand how your users are interacting with their devices so that you can better manage your IT assets and plan for decarbonization.

Contact us for a demo of our new end-to-end platform.

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